Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine

eISSN 2287-7215 pISSN 1975-311X

Table. 2.

Comparison of visual analogue scale in two-way repeated ANOVA (unit : score)

Group Pre Post Follow-up F p
EGⅠ 5.982 ± 1.419 2.488 ± 1.086 2.376 ± 0.994 6.068 .119
EGⅡ 6.176 ± 1.506 1.841 ± 1.961 3.541 ± 1.359

Mean ± SD: Mean ± Standard Deviation

EGI: stretching exercise after non-elastic taping group

EGII: stretching exercise after elastic taping group

J Korean Soc Phys Med 2022;17:141-50
© 2022 J Korean Soc Phys Med