Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine

eISSN 2287-7215 pISSN 1975-311X

Table. 6.

Comparison of changes in muscle activity by the group

Variable Group Pre Post t p

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Anterior Deltoid MPG 45.11 ± 11.06 28.26 ± 15.13* -1.747 .098
KTG 44.12 ± 14.97 39.21 ± 20.47

Upper Trapezius MPG 78.52 ± 17.43 59.64 ± 23.26* -1.882 .076
KTG 77.84 ± 18.58 76.32 ± 20.78

Serratus Anterior MPG 88.66 ± 22.86 70.61 ± 22.64* -.972 .344+
KTG 89.45 ± 28.16 84.35 ± 24.31

Pectoralis Major MPG 32.82 ± 7.64 20 .80 ± 8 .41* -2.789 .012+
KTG 32.16 ± 8.42 29.27 ± 12.48

Infraspinatus MPG 54.95 ± 12.97 47.05 ± 8.30* -.270.79 0
KTG 52.42 ± 13.24 48.97 ± 26.73

*There was a significant difference between pre and post (p < .05), †: This means that the difference in the amount of change between the two groups is significant(p < .05), CVA: Craniovertebral angle, MPG: Mat Pilates group, KTG: Kinesio tape group

J Korean Soc Phys Med 2023;18:25-35
© 2023 J Korean Soc Phys Med