Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine

eISSN 2287-7215 pISSN 1975-311X

Table. 3.

Comparison of balance level before and after intervention between the groups

Variables Experimental group (n = 20) Control group (n = 20) t(p)
FAB 1 Pre 2.35 ± .88 2.45 ± .83 -.372(.712)
Post 3.65 ± .59 3.10 ± .72 2.652(.012)
Post-pre 1.30 ± .98 .65 ± 1.04 -2.221(.039)
t(p) 5.940(.000) 2.795(.012)

FAB 2 Pre 1.85 ± .81 2.00 ± .92 -.547(.587)
Post 3.20 ± .77 2.60 ± .88 2.294(.027)
Post-pre 1.35 ± 1.18 .60 ± 1.27 -2.116(.048)
t(p) 5.107(.000) 2.108(.049)

FAB 3 Pre 1.95 ± .94 2.00 ± .97 -.165(.870)
Post 2.80 ± 1.01 2.15 ± .93 2.119(.041)
Post-pre .85 ± 1.39 .15 ± .81 -2.896(.009)
t(p) 2.741(.013) .825(.419)

FAB 4 Pre 2.70 ± .98 2.75 ± .97 -.163(.872)
Post 3.60 ± .50 2.90 ± .72 3.571(.001)
Post-pre .90 ± 1.07 .15 ± 1.18 -2.210(.040)
t(p) 3.758(.001) .567(.577)

FAB 5 Pre 1.85 ± .99 1.95 ± 1.00 -.318(.752)
Post 3.10 ± .72 2.30 ± .92 3.058(.004)
Post-pre 1.25 ± 1.16 .35 ± 1.42 -2.349(.030)
t(p) 4.802(.000) 1.099(.286)

FAB 6 Pre 1.55 ± .69 1.60 ± .60 -.246(.807)
Post 2.80 ± .62 2.15 ± .81 2.851(.007)
Post-pre 1.25 ± .91 .55 ± 1.05 -2.333(.031)
t(p) 6.140(.000) 2.342(.030)

FAB 7 Pre 2.15 ± .99 2.20 ± .95 -.163(.871)
Post 3.35 ± .67 2.75 ± .85 2.477(.018)
Post-pre 1.20 ± 1.20 .55 ± 1.00 -2.156(.044)
t(p) 4.485(.000) 2.463(.024)

FAB 8 Pre 2.15 ± 1.09 2.10 ± .91 .157(.876)
Post 2.25 ± .97 1.95 ± 1.15 .895(.377)
Post-pre .10 ± 1.68 .15 ± 1.23 -.546(.592)
t(p) .266(.793) -.547(.591)

FAB 9 Pre 1.90 ± 1.07 2.15 ± 1.14 -.716(.478)
Post 2.35 ± .88 2.25 ± 1.07 .324(.748)
Post-pre .45 ± 1.47 -.15 ± 1.41 -.760(.456)
t(p) 1.371(.186) .317(.755)

FAB 10 Pre 1.75 ± .79 1.70 ± .66 .218(.828)
Post 2.55 ± .69 1.80 ± .83 3.106(.004)
Post-pre .80 ± .83 .10 ± 1.07 -2.268(.035)
t(p) 4.292(.000) .418(.681)

FAB total Pre 20.20 ± 2.17 20.90 ± 2.90 -.865(.393)
Post 29.65 ± 2.92 23.95 ± 3.09 5.995(.000)
Post-pre 9.45 ± 3.76 3.05 ± 3.91 -6.568(.000)
t(p) 11.233(.000) 3.486(.002)

aMean (score) ± Standard deviation, FAB: Fullerton advanced balance scale, FAB 1: stand with feet together, eyes closed, FAB 2: lean forward and reach hands, FAB 3: turning in a full circle to right and left direction, FAB 4: stepping up onto and over a 6 inch bench, FAB 5: walk with feet in tandem walk, FAB 6: stand on one leg, eyes opened, FAB 7: standing on foam eyes close, FAB 8: jump with both feet for distance, FAB 9: walk while turning head, FAB 10: restore balance after backward disturbance

J Korean Soc Phys Med 2024;19:81-94
© 2024 J Korean Soc Phys Med