Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine

eISSN 2287-7215 pISSN 1975-311X

Table. 1.

General characteristics of the subjects (n = 35)

Characteristic EG (n = 18) CG (n = 17) p/x2
Age (year) 59.28 ± 12.02a 60.00 ± 15.20 .877
Weight (kg) 72.78 ± 16.26 62.76 ± 14.34 .063
Height (cm) 168.67 ± 8.58 164.35 ± 10.12 .182
K-MMSE (score) 26.83 ± 3.46 26.23 ± 3.32 .607
Onset time (month) 4.11 ± .83 4.06 ± .89 .859
Gender (male/female) 15/3 9/8 3.747
Stroke type (Infarction/Hemorrhagae) 10/8 10/7 .038
Affected side (left/right) 5/13 9/8 2.307

aMean ± SD, EG: gaze stabilization and cognitive exercise, CG: gaze stabilization exercise, *p < .05

J Korean Soc Phys Med 2024;19:155-64
© 2024 J Korean Soc Phys Med