Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine

eISSN 2287-7215 pISSN 1975-311X

Table. 3.

Multiple logistic regression analysis for stroke risk factors

Factors Categories Crude Adjusted
OR (95% CI) p OR (95% CI) p
Age 1.072 (1.046-1.099) <.001 1.076 (1.048-1.104) <.001**
Sex Male 1.686 (1.292-2.200) <.001 1.587 (1.068-2.358) .022*
Female 1 1
Education elementary 1.511 (.980-2.328) .061 1.331 (.835-2.121) .230
middle 1.501 (.936-2.407) .092 1.471 (.888-2.436) .134
high 1.540 (.972-2.440) .066 1.478 (.918-2.380) .107
university 1 1
Marital status with 1 1
without .921 (.702-1.210) .555 .878 (.646-1.179) .376
Individual income Q1 (Lowest) 1.768 (1.205-2.595) .004 1.509 (1.011-2.253) .044*
Q2 1.430 (.977-2.094) .066 1.302 (.873-1.941) .196
Q3 1.492 (1.009-2.206) .045 1.390 (.942-2.052) .098
Q4 (Highest) 1 1
BMI (kg/㎡) Low .582 (.245-1.384) .221 .502 (.211-1.197) .120
Normal 1 1
Overweight .928 (.711-1.212) .584 .914 (.663-1.261) .584
Obesity 1.148 (.621-2.125) .659 1.311 (.675-2.545) .423
Smoking status current 1.833 (1.236-2.720) .003 1.717 (1.087-2.712) .020*
past 1.743 (1.322-2.297) <.001 1.546 (1.095-2.183) .013*
non 1 1
Alcohol status Yes .905 (.706-1.160) .431 .805 (.616-1.053) .113
No 1 1
Aerobic exercise Yes 1 1
No .912 (.711-1.171) .47 1.068 (.822-1.387) .623
Resistance exercise Never 1.062 (.764-1.477) .72 1.050 (.738-1.493) .788
Mid .605 (.336-1.089) .094 .670 (.363-1.234) .199
High 1 1
Comorbidities conditions
Fasting glucose (mg/dL) Normal 1 1
Diabetes 1.294 (.989-1.693) .06 1.191 (.897-1.580) .226
TG Normal 1 1
High 1.149 (.882-1.498) .303 1.067 (.810-1.406) .642
HDL-C Normal 1 1
Low 1.251 (.980-1.596) .072 1.208 (.933-1.565) .152
WC (cm) Normal 1 1
abdominal obesity 1.091 (.861-1.384) .47 1.081 (.801-1.459) .609

Data were presented as means ± SE (%). *p < .05, **p < .001

BMI=body mass index; HDL=high density lipoprotein

J Korean Soc Phys Med 2024;19:103-10
© 2024 J Korean Soc Phys Med