Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine

eISSN 2287-7215 pISSN 1975-311X

Table. 1.

General characteristics of the study subjects

Experimental Group (N = 10) Control Group (N = 10) P-Value
Sex (male/female) 8/2 8/2 1.000
Stroke type (infarction/hemorrhage) 5/5 5/5 1.000
Paretic side (left/right) 5/5 5/5 1.000
Age (years) 59.90 ± 6.02 60.90 ± 4.51 .679
Height (cm) 165.20 ± 4.59 164.20 ± 3.19 .579
Weight (kg) 63.80 ± 10.88 61.70 ± 4.57 .581
Onset period (month) 4.80 ± 1.14 5.20 ± 1.40 .492
Mmse (score) 28.0 ± 1.49 27.60 ± .96 .486

Values are expressed as means±standard deviations or numbers.

Mmse, mini-mental state examination

J Korean Soc Phys Med 2024;19:1-9
© 2024 J Korean Soc Phys Med