Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine

eISSN 2287-7215 pISSN 1975-311X

Table. 4.

Changes in lower limb alignment before (A 1), after 6- (B 1) and 12-week (B 2) corrective exercise and 6-week of exercise completion (A 2).

A 1B 1B 2A 2A 1 vs. B 2 (%)A 1 vs. A 2 (%)
Q-angle (°)23.5021.0218.1017.1016.3014.7019.1016.0030.6430.0718.7223.88
RPA (°)28.2028.3028.6025.3027.5024.8027.7025.002.4812.371.7711.66
LLD (cm)4.900.600.201.5095.9269.39

Q-angle - quadriceps angle; RPA - rearfoot alignment; LLD - Leg length discrepancy

Korean Society of Physical Medicine 2016;11:93-105
© 2016 Korean Society of Physical Medicine