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The Analysis of severity of forward head posture with observation and photographic method
J Korean Soc Phys Med 2015;10(3):227-235
Published online August 31, 2015
© 2015 Korean Society of Physical Medicine.

Han-suk Lee, PT, PhD⋅Hyung-kuk Chung, PT, PhD1⋅Sun-wook Park, PT, M.S2

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Eulji University
1Department of Physical Therapy, Ansan University
2Department of Physical therapy, Sam Sung Seoul Hospital
Received June 28, 2015; Revised July 1, 2015; Accepted July 20, 2015.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
PURPOSE: This paper aims to present the available angle to evaluate the severity of forward head posture (FHP) with the observation method and photographic method.
METHODS: A cross-sectional observation research design study consisted of 29 subjects who was divided two groups (slight FHP group, moderate FHP group) in Eulji university was used. We evaluated the FHP and the angles including CranioVertebral Angle (CVA), Head Tilting Angle (HTA), Head Position Angle (HPA) and Forward Shoulder Angle (FSA) with the Body style S-8.0 (South Korea, LU Commerce).
RESULTS: The mean of CVA, FSA from the slight FHP group was shown higher than moderate severe FHP group. According to independent t-test result, but there was no difference among all angles in two groups. The linear discriminate analysis showed the size of distinction of FSA was the biggest, and then CVA, HTA and HPA were in the order. 55.6% of FSA is properly classified in the slight FHP group.
CONCLUSION: The FSA is the best to distinguish the severity of FHP and then CVA as the second best. Therefore, FSA is recommended to check the FHP.
Keywords : Posture, Evaluate, Angle

November 2024, 19 (4)
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